subject: A big thank you to all my clarinet section mates.
surprisesurprised! it's jeanna teo's turn to blog her very first entry in here.
Thank you to everyone who has made my last journey in spband life so great.
Despite not knowing most of the juniors for a longer period, it's really fun working together with you. I regretted not joining earlier ibm with you guys too, hahaha (:
i believed every year 3 seniors are very grateful for what you have done for us- MD GIFTS & we will definately rmb the fun times we had together. Let's us not be sad about departing, but be happy for the next coming more gathering, outing together. haha we are still kicking well in life . anyway, i would like to take this chance to say thanks to everyone who has written so meaningful msgs for me.
& not forgetting to say ' THANKS' for developing such a big photo of me and my injured ankle. Thanks to my fellow year3 section mates for doing simple cards, giving me sweets etc. I'm quite surprised too by your msg & those words that you had written are quite dear to my heart. Helllllloooo stop rmbing the arguing sessions about me ,ws and yc please HAHA! instead, rmb the short good times we had together .
See ws! this is why i always ended up arguing with him & his very 'logic' reasoning
To jiarong: omg,i'm very inspired by you! you know you know. hahah girls can blow loud loud in bass line okay ( reply to your msg)

to fangyu: Thanks alot for making my 3 years ( on and off ) sucha enjoyable journey & i will miss your very high pitch laughter. hahaha this is our 5th picture tgr?

& to my lower clarinet section people : you are not forgotten la , not! i'm used to be inside and i really enjoyed working with you all. I wont forget to your constant reminder of using more air and blow all my might. Thanks a lot .
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