Hi guys,
The confirmed players for MD are:
The section will be open for Alumnis to play, regardless batch, year, age, anything, so just gimme a tag in the tagboard to let me know if you're coming. We'll greatly appreciate any help since you can see the membership is pretty low...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Clarinet Section Chalet 2009
Hey people, I am here to blog an entry!
Here's the pictures from yesterday's BBQ session at Aloha Loyang.
Posted by
5:43 PM
Monday, July 13, 2009
toccata n fuge video
wow! 2009 IBM around the corner so fast!!!! 2 years have passed, let us take a step back to 2007. This is Toccata and Fuge in D Minor, arr. Guido Six, as performed on 2007, (IBM)I Believe in Music Concert, SP Convention Hall. Lets re-live the moments. Enjoy!~
Posted by
8:47 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
With reference to the previous post by Vincent. Actually the declining discipline occurs every year. Vincent has a point here though, but i think anyone with a reasonable and mature mind wouldn't get angry over his statements.
I personally think in poly, theres no need for aggression or harsh reminders. Personal responsiblity comes in alot. We are all 17-20 years old. Old enough to make decisions and have responsibilty in our actions. So long everyone do things logically, i think theres not a need for the post. So, everyone, have social responsibility no matter how busy u might be! Like how our govt treat H1N1! HAHA!
Hope i got time to attend ur concert!
Posted by
2:49 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hmm.. looks like the debate thing's not working out. Eh type sumtin leh... bring this place up. I want more to check this blog frequently. Cos.. I wan use this blog to scold ppl.
(this post is made to sound insulting on purpose)
Firstly... since when is SP band a place where u can come and go as u like? If u tell me ur busy with school and all ITS FINE! You tell me your sick OK ITS FINE TOO. BUT DON'T COME TELLING ME U GOT OTHER COMMITMENTS! Cos if u have, then gotta make ur choice. If u have to skip practices, that means ur too busy. If u seriously want both, then you're seriously too greedy.
btw I MYSELF AM TOO BUSY but what? I still come, I DUN MISS A DAM PRACTICE!
Next... Not coming CAN TELL? Not primary school kid already rite? Need me to give a template? Heres it.
What Time:
I know i'm kinda rude and naggy here but pls just get it in.
I'm not targetting any specific person but... Guys... look. Our discipline has dropped like *chim english word here*. Gotta buck up! I know this will get alot of ppl angry when u see this but I just have to give u this reminder.
Btw if any 1 from other sections see this and feel insulted, pls know that this is my section blog so... shoosh =P
Posted by
C1@R!N3T!5T SharpV
11:08 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Why go for band concerts?
*an attempt to bring this place back to life...*
Hey wind band concerts in Singapore are getting less and less entertaining. Every band seems to be playing the same repertoire, doing the same things, with the same instrumentation, doing the same gimmicks, EVEN GETTING THE SAME GUEST PLAYERS! On contrary, chinese music is getting more westernized, injecting more creativity in their performances, AND at the same time, performing with higher level of musicality and more professionally. (I've been on chinese orchestra concerts so that's just my personal opinion)
One reason is probably due to the fact that most bands organize concerts solely because they HAVE to organize one in order to keep up the tradition eg. abc band's concert XIIXV. Going back to fundamentals, concerts are held for a commercial reason, simply said, to make money, which competition for that business is the drive for every band's rise in performance standard. The loss in this drive is what's causing the fall of bands today.
This makes us wonder... why are we still going for band concerts?
"yes I'm trying to start a debate... so pls reply"
Posted by
C1@R!N3T!5T SharpV
1:33 AM
Saturday, June 6, 2009
hi All! first to say congrats to my dear batch mates for finally graduating after 3 years in school. it has been wonderful playing together in the clarinet section with all of these guys, May u guys have a good path ahead and may the memories of these years remain.
Lee Yoke Chong
SL of clarinet section. a really funny guy. you sure bring a joyful atmosphere and give everybody a comfortable feeling to play in the section. do take care of ur lungs! dont accumulate too much tobacco,
Jeanna Teo
HaHa. since year 1 u have tat cute auntie image and seem to be at some sort of auntie uncle odds with yoke and shao. my most memorable times with u is during the clari fest where u play tat big contra alto, really very cute looking, u shd look at some old photos. u sure know alot about shopping. it is very sad tat for one reason or another we somehow do not click together well and are somehow distanted compared to other section mates, but i will never forget those touching moments where u offer ur kindness to me, showing the warm and lovely side of u.
Yap Fang Yu
HaHaHaHahah. who can forget ur wonderful laughter, so bright, so clear and so loud. soar through the crowd and the sky. erm. both of us are weird people actually( u may protest against this and say i am the wierd one or at least the weirder one but we both actually are very "one kind" in our own ways), though in different ways. our ways of expression, our outburst of emotions and all tat sort of thing. but we had have some really gd time together , especially in Osaka Japan and we got along really well with each other, even though we are not particularly close friends. luckily the rumours during our year 1 time died soon enough...but u are sure a great friend ,
Luo JIahui Mao Mao
U have so much hair! so hairy!! HaHa. but ur hair become more and more! i sincerely hope tat i have helped u or have done something for u this short period of time we are together, and i apologise if I could not help much. hope for the best for u in whatever u do next time.
Seow Wen SHao
Ha! this guy, the legendary coloured wolf, not love rival, but lust rival! and we try to outlUst each other since during felicia time. Ha, we happen to want the same main course, but u ar, dun think tat becos the prey is thin means can easily swallow whole without having digestion problem. erm.......i believe everybody especially those in ur clique will agree tat u are great friend, even though ur mouth seldom produce things nice to hear and u KL people especially those u dun like. but u have a sense of righteousness , truthfulness and a loyalty. be nicer is gd and getting into trouble with people is a tiring chore. haha. u have a strong personality and humnour and endowed with many talents, shown or hidden.
Ng Wee Seng
erm......alot of times, it is gd to observe the situation carefully before reacting and there is no need to pull long face always. always avoid tension as far as possible and do not be too quick to show unHappiness. critism can always be packaged to meet objectives and not hit raw nerve. erm, u have tremendous tremendous music talent, our of my very respected musicaian.
some of the other my batch ppl who did not play for conert include:
Tan Boon Kiat
JIa wei
you guys are not forgotten. hope I didnt leave anyone out.
I really will miss you guys cute asses and wonderful time and friendship. now tat u guys have moved on in life, I really feel abit lost and left behind, overaged compared to the little ones. so i hope tat i can do something gd for them in some small ways or another. and to dear clarinet section, i hope u guys rmb this group of seniors tat have brought the section to some of its most glorious moments and worked hard together. may u guys work hard and bring the section to an even greater greater height! year 1s some of them really have got good potential.
muacks! love be with uall
very handsome.
fabian poh we
Posted by
2:15 PM